All students, except for our Mommy & Me program, will perform in our recital. We will measure all students in class for their costumes in October. A costume deposit of $60.00 must be paid in October in order for us to order your child's costume. This deposit is refundable until November 15th. After November 15th, you will be responsible to pay for the balance of your costume in January. Invoices will be emailed in December with your balance due. Your costume fee will include tights if needed for your child's costume. However, it does not include dance shoes. All costumes that need to be ordered after the main orders are in will be subject to a $20.00 single-order fee.
Our recitals are held at the Tilles Center and are part of the student's education. All students (except for Mommy & me) participate in the production. As part of their participation, they learn such concepts as stage direction, and overcoming shyness and are given a chance to show their families their progress. The recital date will be posted as soon as it is available.